If the 'Invite to register' checkbox is selected the new team member will receive an email notification inviting them to register with PeopleTray. Once they have registered with they will be able to login into PeopleTray successfully.
How to add a person to you account
- Login as Editor, Administrator, or System Administrator
- In the TeamTray Module, on the left menu, click Add New > Person
- Enter a unique Username (ensure a valid email address is entered and the user has access to it). Please Note: Once a username has been generated for a person profile it cannot be edited
- Click 'Next Step' button
- New Person page displays
- Complete mandatory fields
- Select the 'Invite person@domain.com to register' checkbox
- Click 'Create Person' button
- The Person Profile will be created successfully
- A 'PeopleTray account confirmation' notification will be sent to the Team Member's email address
Email Notification
- The Team Member will be required to navigate to their Inbox
- Open the 'PeopleTray account confirmation' sent by noreply@peopletray.com
- Select the 'Click to create your password' link
- The person is redirected to the 'PeopleTray Create Password' login page
- Enter a password (needs to include at least 8 characters, one capital letter, and one number)
- Confirm the password by re-entering the above password
- Click 'Create password' button
- Once the password has been successfully created the user will then be navigated to PeopleTray login page