Safety and Health events, in SHEQTray safety and risk management module, have an injuries tab, where injured persons and the details of the injuries can be add to the event. This is how injuries are added to your PeopleTray system.
When an injury is added to a Health and Safety event, it automatically displays in the Injury management area of the SHEQTray module, where medical certificates and return to work programs are managed. Only people with a Custom User Role giving them access to Injury Management can access those pages.
Configurable Injury Subtypes, Australian Standard Safety Terminology and Custom Fields and comprehensive injury management make SHEQTray a valuable tool for any business that needs to maintain a compliant safety system where the risk and cost of injuries is minimised.
How to add an injury to a Health and Safety event.
- Login as Team Member
- Select Menu Panel on any module > Click Submit New
- Click Injury Event Type (the naming of the Safety Event workflow is configurable to your company)
- User is redirected to Event Details tab
- Complete mandatory fields
- Navigate to Injury Tab
- Select Add Injury Details
- User redirected to Person Details Tab
- Complete mandatory fields
- Navigate to Injury Details Tab
- Complete mandatory fields
- Navigate to Timings Tab
- Complete mandatory fields
- Click 'Save' button
Please Note: If a Reader is submitting an Injury Report they will need to provide all details of injury and person injured in the description
Injury > Person Details Tab
Injury > Injury Details Tab
Injury > Timings Tab